Technological advancement and Nature
I tweeted this today:
Technology advancement is somehow taking us backward, to the natural state of things, only with much more automation. #tech #wisdom — Ibrahim (@diopib) January 5, 2015
Because I was just reflecting on how fast technology is advancing, always faster than ever just to realize that one of it’s main goal today is to bring back the natural feeling of things with a good load of synchronization, automation, more speed and so on. Writing a text or watching movies are just becoming more and more like writing on a paper with a pencil or being at a live show. A part of that advancement has very good sides and another part doesn’t. It’s for us to be aware. If Moore’s law continiues to prove itself so accurately (strangely), I tend to believe that in a few years we will all be able to write a blog post on a piece of paper, whithout worrying about it’s digitalization and that the data we own/generate will be more valuable than the machines we use.